Forthcoming talks

2025/03/0X Talk at the OIST ML Workshop, OIST, Okinawa.

2025/01/2X Two talks on PAC-Bayes bounds, Heidelberg-Paris workshop on mathematical statistics, International Academic Forum Heidelberg.

2024/12/XX Talk at the Meeting in Mathematical Statistics, CIRM, Marseille.

Past talks

[All the slides that are not directly available through links are available upon request.]

2024/12/02 Talk: "Optimistic Estimation of Convergence in Markov Chains with the Average Mixing Time", DeLTA lab seminar, Copenhagen.

2024/11/14 Mini-talk: "Laplace vs. variational approximations", Rethinking the Role of Bayesianism in the Age of Modern AI, Dagstuhl.

2024/10/10 Talk: "PAC-Bayes bounds", stochastics seminar of the Department of Mathematics, NUS, Singapore.

2024/08/09 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian Bounds, with applications to Deep Learning and Offline Contextual Bandits", International Conference on Mathematical Theory of Deep Learning, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing.

2024/07/30 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian Bounds for Offline Contextual Bandits", BNP Networking Workshop, IMS-NUS, Singapore.

2024/07/15 Talk: "Optimistic Estimation of Convergence in Markov Chains with the Average Mixing Time", SciCADE, NUS, Singapore.

2024/06/24 Talk: "Learning with PAC-Bayes bounds" at the RIKEN AIP - A*STAR CFAR workshop, A*STAR, Singapore.

2024/06/11 Talk: "Introduction to PAC-Bayes bounds" at the CNRS - ESSEC APAC Workshop, ESSEC Asia-Pacific, Singapore.

2024/05/28 Talk: "PAC-Bayes Bounds & Offline Contextual Bandits", workshop: Machine Learning Theory & Methodology, NTU, Singapore.

2024/03/05-06 Two lectures on "PAC-Bayes bounds" at the Machine Learning Summer School 2024, OIST, Okinawa. Link to video:

2024/02/08 Talk: "Understanding catastrophic forgetting in machine learning", ESSEC research day, Paris-Singapore (ONLINE).

2024/01/12 Talk: "Robust estimation and regression with MMD", The Mathematics of Data, IMS-NUS, Singapore.

2024/01/07 Talk: "Bayesian meta-learning", IMS Asia Pacific Rim meeting, Melbourne.

2023/12/14 Talk: "Bayesian meta-learning", the statistical science departmental seminar at UCL, London. Video:

2023/12/08 Talk: "Robust estimation and regression with MMD", statistics seminar of LPSM, Jussieu, Paris.

2023/12/07 Talk: "Robust estimation and regression with MMD", the statistics seminar at Orsay, Paris-Saclay.

2023/11/30 Talk: "Robust estimation with MMD", statistics seminar at UCD Dublin.

2023/09/28 Talk: "Robustness of Minimum Distance Estimators", AGM/IDS day, ESSEC - Cergy University (ONLINE).

2023/08/03 Talk: "Bayesian meta-learning", EcoSta 2023, Waseda University, Tokyo.

2023/06/26 Talk: "Bayesian meta-learning", workshop on Bayes Duality, Tokyo.

2023/04/28 Talk: "Bayesian meta-learning", 12th Workshop on High Dimensional Data Analysis, ESSEC & Univ. Mohamed V, Rabat.

2023/04/12 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", NUS seminar of statistics, Singapore.

2023/03/31 Talk: "Deviation inequalities for Markov chains", Deepmind/ELLIS CSML Seminar Series, UCL, London (ONLINE).

2022/11/17 Talk: "Minimum MMD estimation", @ Probability and Statistics seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Luxembourg.

2022/11/14 Talk: "Concentration and robustness of discrepancy-based ABC", séminaire parisien de statistique à l'IHP, Paris.

2022/11/10 Talk: "The nice properties of MMD for statistical estimation", @ MAD-stat seminar, Toulouse School of Economics.

2022/09/08 Talk: "Concentration and robustness of discrepancy-based ABC" @ O-BAYES22, Santa Cruz CA.

2022/06/23 Talk: "A theoretical analysis of catastrophic forgetting" at Conference on Networks Reconstruction, Paris.

2022/06/14 Talk: "A theoretical analysis of catastrophic forgetting"., New Trends in Statistical Learning II, Porquerolles, France.

2022/05/31 Talk: "Robust estimation via min. distance estimation". Statistical estimation and deep learning in UQ for PDEs, Vienna (ONLINE).

2022/04/28 Talk: "Concentration and robustness of discrepancy-based ABC", One World ABC seminar, Warwick (ONLINE). Link to video:

2022/04/21 Talk: "PAC-Bayes and contraction of the posterior" , Bayes club (ONLINE).

2022/04/19 Talk: "PAC-Bayes and contraction of the posterior", DELTA seminar, UCL (ONLINE).

2022/03/01 Talk: "Deviation inequalities for Markov chains", high-dimensional statistical modeling team seminar, RIKEN AIP. (ONLINE). Video:

2022/02/02 Talk: "What to expect from PAC-Bayes bounds" at AABI 2022 (ONLINE). Link to video:

2022/01/20 Talk: "Matrix factorization for time series analysis", CDT StatML at Imperial and Oxford (ONLINE).

2021/09/30 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", AmLab seminar, Amsterdam (ONLINE).

2021/09/16 Talk: "Time series completion" at the EcoDep 2021 conference, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (ONLINE).

2021/07/21-22 Poster and short video:"Non-exponentially weighted aggregation" at ICML 2021 (ONLINE).

2021/06/30 Talk: "MMD-Bayes", at ISBA world meeting, invited session on "Contemporary Challenges in Bayesian Robustness" (ONLINE).

2021/06/03 Poster: "MMD-based estimation", MHC2021, Orsay, Université Paris Saclay (ONLINE).

2021/05/27 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", Modal'X seminar, Université Paris Nanterre (ONLINE).

2021/05/19 Talk: "Regret bounds for generalized Bayes updates", AI center seminar series, University College London (ONLINE).

2021/04/22 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics seminar series, Milan (ONLINE).

2021/03/10 Talk: "Meta-strategy for Learning Tuning Parameters with Guarantees", RIKEN AIP open seminar, Tokyo (ONLINE). Video:

2021/03/03 Talk: "MMD-based estimation" at the workshop on functional inference and machine intelligence, ISM, Tokyo (ONLINE).

2021/02/01 Talk: "MMD-based estimation" at the statistics seminar of CREST, ENSAE, Paris (ONLINE).

2020/11/04 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", DataSig seminar series at the Alan Turing Institute, London (ONLINE). Video:

2020/10/29 Talk: "Online variational inference", "Mathematics of Online Decision Making", Simons Institute, UC Berkeley (ONLINE). Video:

2020/09/16 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", "New Results on Time Series and their Statistical Applications", CIRM, Marseille (ONLINE).

2020/09/10 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", "Ecology and Stochastic Modeling (EcoDep)" opening conference (ONLINE).

2020/09/09 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", statistics seminar series at the Alan Turing Institute, London (ONLINE).

2020/08/19 Lecture: Introduction to Online Learning, Summer School of Machine Learning at Skoltech, Moscow (ONLINE). Video:

2020/08/18 Talk for PhD students at the CDT in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning at Imperial and Oxford (ONLINE). Slides.

2020/01/10 Talk: "MMD-Bayes: Robust Bayesian Estimation via Maximum Mean Discrepancy", PI seminar, RIKEN AIP, Tokyo.

2019/12/20 Talk: "Generalization Bounds for Online Variational Inference", Meeting in Mathematical Statistics, CIRM, Marseille.

2019/12/06 Talk: "Generalization Bounds for Online Variational Inference", University of Oxford.

2019/12/05 Talk: "Generalization Bounds for Online variational Inference", Heilbronn Institute, Univ. of Bristol.

2019/11/27 Two "Lectures on Variational Inference", Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, Univ. of Bristol. Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.

2019/11/18 Talk and poster:"Generalization Bounds for Online variational Inference", ACML 2019, Nagoya. Slides and poster.

2019/11/17 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", ACML 2019 workshop on AIP research, Nagoya.

2019/09/12 Talk: "MMD-based estimation", reading group on approximate Bayesian inference, RIKEN AIP, Tokyo.

2019/06/27 Talk: "Generalization bounds for Variational Inference", EcoSta, NCHU Taichung, Taïwan.

2019/05/15 Talk: "Generalization bounds for Online Variational Inference", Eléments de mathématiques pour l'IA", ENS Paris Saclay.

2019/05/10 Talk: "Approximate Bayesian Inference", Università degli Studi di Padova.

2019/05/06 Talk: "Generalization bounds for Variational Inference", séminaire de l'équipe MAIAGE, INRA Jouy-en-Josas.

2019/03/29 Talk: "Approximate Bayesian Inference", workshop on computational geometry, ESIEE, Paris.

2019/02/27 Talk: "Approximate Bayesian Inference", RIKEN AIP, Tokyo.

2019/02/27 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", Computation and Econometrics Workshop, GRIPS, Tokyo.

2019/02/18 Talk: "Approximate Bayesian Inference", groupe de travail AOC, IMT, Toulouse.

2019/02/14 Talk: "Introduction to sequential predictions", Machine Learning Meet-up, Pau. Vidéo:

2019/01/16 Talk: "Exponential inequalities for nonstationary Markov Chains", CIMFAV, Universidad de Valparaiso.

2019/01/09 Talk: "Introduction to sequential predictions", CREST working group on Stat/ML/Econometrics, ENSAE ParisTech.

2018/12/12 Talk: "Exponential inequalities for nonstationary Markov Chains", 1rst nonstationary day, Telecom ParisTech.

2018/11/27 Talk: "Prédiction avec avis d'experts", Les mercredis mathématiques du CIRM (pour lycéens), Marseille. Click on the image below to see a video of this talk:

2018/11/27 Talk: "Informed subsampling MCMC", Bayesian statistics in the Big Data era, CIRM, Marseille.

2018/11/16 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", statistics seminar, Cambridge University.

2018/11/14 Talk: "Introduction to sequential predictions", London Business School (LBS).

2018/10/29 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", machine learning seminar, IIT, Genoa.

2018/10/19 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", workshop on probabilistic methods for comp. stats, Telecom Paris Sud.

2018/09/06 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Oslo.

2018/08/24 Talk: "Regret Bounds for Lifelong Learning", INRIA / BNP Paribas Summer School on Artificial Intelligence.

2018/07/12 Talk: "Introduction to machine learning with application to matrix completion", ESME, Paris.

2018/07/06 Talk: "Recent advances on the Consistency of Variational Bayes procedures", IMS meeting , Vilnius.

2018/06/25 Talk: "Variational Approximations in Machine Learning", Scientific computing seminar, CERMICS (ENPC), Paris.

2018/06/06 Talk: "Regret Bounds for Lifelong Learning", French-German Summer School on Transfer Learning, ENS Paris-Saclay.

2018/05/24 Talk: "Regret Bounds for Lifelong Learning", workshop on Multi-Armed Bandits, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.

2018/04/24 Talk: "Regret Bounds for Lifelong Learning" , workshop on machine learning, CMLA, ENS Paris-Saclay.

2017/12/22 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", MMS (Meeting in Mathematical Statistics), CIRM, Luminy.

2017/12/19 Talk: "Concentration of variational approx.", workshop "High Dimensional Function Approximation", Alan Turing Institute, London. Click on the image below to see a video of this talk:

2017/12/12 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", statistics seminar, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris.

2017/10/17 Talk: "On the properties of variational approximations of Gibbs posteriors", RIKEN AIP, Tokyo.

2017/09/22 Talk: "Concentration of variational approximations", France/Japan Machine Learning workshop, Paris.

2017/06/14 Talk: "Regularization with Lipschitz loss", Le Cam Data Science Colloquium, Université Paris Saclay.

2017/06/12 Talk: "Regularization with Lipschitz loss", Séminaire de Statistique, Université Aix-Marseille.

2017/06/07 Talk: "Outils statistiques et algorithmiques pour la complétion de matrices", mini-symposium 'Big Data' SMAI, Ronce-les-Bains.

2017/05/17 Talk: "Regularization with Lipschitz losses", SSSL working group, IHES, Univ. Paris-Saclay.

2017/04/27 Poster (with Léna Carel): NMF and passengers profile clustering, ESANN 2017, Bruges, Belgium.

2017/04/20 Poster (with The Tien Mai): regret bounds for lifelong learning, AISTATS2017, Fort Lauderdale, USA.

2017/01/12 Talk: "On the properties of VB approximations of Gibbs posteriors" (keynote speaker), SMPGD 2017, Imperial College London.

2017/01/10 Talk: "Outils statistiques et algorithmiques pour la complétion de matrices", séminaire Big Data de la DREES, Paris.

2016/10/24 Talk: "Outils statistiques et algorithmiques pour la complétion de matrices", Machine Learning Meetup, Pau .

2016/10/17 Talk: "1-bit matrix completion: a machine learning approach" at the statistics seminar of CREST, ENSAE, Paris.

2016/06/10 Talk: "On the properties of variational approximations of Gibbs posteriors", workshop on Big Data, Centrale Lille.

2016/05/03 Talk: "Pseudo-Bayesian estimation of low-rank matrices", Université Paris Est (Créteil).

2016/03/23 Talk: "On the properties of variational approximations of Gibbs posteriors", IHES, Université Paris Saclay. Click on the image below to see a video of this talk:

2016/01/08 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian Bounds and Aggregation: Introduction, and Algorithmic issues", IHES, Université Paris-Saclay.

2016/01/04 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian Bounds and Aggregation: Introduction, and Algorithmic issues" , AgroParisTech.

2015/10/29 Talk: "On the Properties of Variational Approximations in Statistical Learning", statistics seminar, UCD Dublin.

2015/10/22 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian Bounds and Aggregation: Introduction, and Algorithmic issues", JSTAR, Rennes.

2015/06/09 Talk: "Bayesian estimation of low-rank matrices", workshop "High-Dimensional Problems and Quantum Stat.", Marne-la-Vallée.

2015/05/12 Talk: "Bayesian Matrix Completion", conference in honour of Paul Doukhan, IHP, Paris.

2015/05/05 Talk: "Bayesian estimation of low-rank matrices", Toulouse School of Economics.

2015/04/21 Talk: "Bayesian estimation of low-rank matrices", MODAL, INRIA Lille.

2015/04/16 Talk: "Bayesian estimation of low-rank matrices", Université Paris Sud, Orsay.

2015/03/19 Talk: "Bayesian estimation of low-rank matrices", Université Paris 10, Nanterre.

2015/01/08 Talk: "Bayesian matrix completion", "Rencontres ENSAE-ENSAI", ENSAE, Paris.

2014/11/26 Talk: "Stability of Markov Chains and Approximate MCMC methods", "Journées MCMC", Marseille.

2014/10/17 Talk: "Stability of Markov Chains and Approximate MCMC methods", BiP (Bayes in Paris), ENSAE, Paris.

2014/10/06 Talk: "Bayesian Matrix Completion", SMILE in Paris, ENS, Paris.

2014/07/10 Talk at the "Australian Statistical Conference & IMS Annual Meeting", Australian Technology Park, Sydney.

2014/06/09 Talk at the "Journées de Statistique du Sud", CRM, Barcelona.

2013/12/02 Talk: "Estimation bayésienne de matrices de faible rang", séminaire de statistique du CREST, Paris

2013/10/08 Talk: "Bayesian estimation of low-rank matrices: short survey and theoretical study", ALT'13, NUS, Singapore.

2013/09/27 Short talk on sparse vector recovery, School's "get together" (School of Mathematical Sciences), University College Dublin.

2013/09/20 Talk: "Bayesian estimation of low-rank matrices", Working group on statistical learning, University College Dublin.

2013/05/15 Talk: "Rank-penalized estimation of a quantum system", CASI2013 (Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland), NUI Maynooth.

2012/12/16 Talk: "Fast rates in learning with dependent observations", Nonparametric and High-dimensional Statistics, CIRM, Luminy.

2012/10/01 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian bounds for high-dimensional estimation", Trinity College Dublin.

2012/06/26 Poster: "PAC-Bayesian bounds for high-dimensional estimation" at the "ISBA 2012 World Meeting", Kyoto.

2012/04/13 Talk: "Prévision de séries temporelles faiblement dépendantes", GT "Prévisions", org. Mathieu Cornec, à l'ENGREF, Paris.

2012/03/26 Talk: "Agrégation de modèles pour l'auto-régression", exposé au séminaire SMILE, ENS Ulm, Paris.

2012/02/02 Talk (sur Dai, D. and Zhang, T., Greedy Model Averaging, NIPS 2011) au groupe de lecture MCBayes à l'ENSAE, Paris.

2012/02/01 Talk: "Model selection/aggregation for autoregression": 4h de cours, cycle "Non stationnarité", Université de Cergy-Pontoise.

2011/12/17 Talk at the "ERCIM" conf.: "Estimation by projection on confidence regions", University of London.

2011/12/12 Talk: "Estimation PAC-Bayésienne en grande dimension",séminaire de stats., Université d'Angers.

2011/11/18 Talk (sur Yang, Biometrika, 2005) au "groupe de lecture fréquentiste" du CREST, ENSAE, Paris.

2011/11/08 Talk at the conf. "Non stationarity": "Sparsity considerations for dependent observations", Université de Cergy-Pontoise.

2011/10/31 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian estimation in high dimension", University of Vienna.

2011/08/31 Talk: "Bornes PAC-Bayésiennes pour la sélection de variables en grande dimension", journée ANR Bandhits, ENSAE, Paris.

2011/06/09 Talk at the International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis, Fields Institute, Toronto.

2011/05/27 Talk: "Sélection automatique de blocs de variables", exposé aux Journées de Statistiques 2011 de la SFDS, Gammarth.

2011/03/09 Talk: "Estimation parcimonieuse pour des variables dépendantes", laboratoire AGM, Université de Cergy-Pontoise.

2011/02/10 Talk: "Modèle de single-index sparse", groupe de travail "MC-Bayes", org. Nicolas Chopin, ENSAE, Paris.

2011/01/10 Talk: "Modèle de single-index sparse", séminaire parisien de statistique à l'IHP, Paris.

2010/12/17 Talk: "Sparse single-index model", rencontres de statistiques mathématiques, org. L. Cavalier & O. Lepski, CIRM, Luminy.

2010/12/10 Talk: "Prévision de séries temporelles par apprentissage statistique", GT "Prévisions", org. Mathieu Cornec, à l'ENGREF, Paris.

2010/12/01 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian theorems for sparse regression estimation", Weierstrass Institut, Berlin.

2010/10/06 Talk: "An algorithm for iterative selection of blocks of features", ALT 2010, Australian National University, Canberra.

2010/09/01 Talk: "Sélection de modèles pour prédiction de séries temporelles faiblement dépendantes", journées MAS (SMAI), Bordeaux.

2010/03/23 Talk at the workshop "Foundations and new trends of PAC-Bayesian learning", University College, London. Click on the image below to see a video of this talk:

2010/01/29 Talk: "Théorèmes PAC-Bayésiens pour l'estimation sparse de la régression", séminaire de statistique de l'IRMAR, Rennes.

2010/01/04 Talk: "Bornes PAC-Bayésiennes pour des estimateurs parcimonieux de la régression", GT de statistique du LPMA, Paris.

2009/10/30 Talk: "Model selection and randomization for wealky dependent time series forecasting", ERCIM workshop statistics, Limassol.

2009/02/05 Talk: "Inégalités PAC-Bayésiennes", groupe de travail bayésien du CREST et de Telecom Paris, à l'ENSAE, Paris.

2008/12/11 Talk à la "journée "apprentissage" de l'Université Nancy 1, Nancy.

2008/11/27 Talk: "Bornes PAC-Bayésiennes pour des estimateurs par minimisation du risque empirique", Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay.

2008/10/10 Talk: "Bornes PAC-Bayésiennes et estimateurs randomisés, part 2", groupe de travail "sparsité", ENSAE, Paris.

2008/09/26 Talk: "Bornes PAC-Bayésiennes et estimateurs randomisés, part 1", groupe de travail "sparsité", ENSAE, Paris.

2008/09/01 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian bounds for randomizes empirical risks minimizers", journées "stat. math. et applications", Fréjus.

2008/07/24 Talk at the workshop "new trends in model selection and related areas", University of Vienna.

2008/07/08 Informal talk at the probability summer school, Saint-Flour.

2008/06/20 Talk: "PAC-Bayesian bounds and model selection", workshop of the ERCIM, Neuchatel.

2008/04/04 Talk: "Bornes PAC-Bayésiennes pour des estimateurs par minimisation du risque empirique", SAMOS, Université Paris 1.

2008/02/11 Talk: "Bornes PAC-Bayésiennes pour des minimiseurs (randomisés) du risque empirique", GT de statistique du LPMA, Paris.

2008/02/01 Talk au GT "sparsité", org. A. Tsybakov, ENSAE, Paris.

2007/06/14 Talk at the conference on "ordered statistical data and inequalities", Amman University, Amman.

2006/12/22 Talk: "Sélection itérative de variables en estimation de régression", séminaire du LATP, Marseille.

2006/09/06 Talk: "Sélection itérative de variables en estimation de régression", journées MAS de la SMAI, Lille.

2006/05/31 Poster at the conference "Mathematical foundations of learning theory II", ENS, Paris.

2006/04/24 Talk: "Sélection itérative de variables en estimation de régression", colloque "Jeunes probabilistes et statisticiens", Aussois.

2006/03/13 Talk: "Sélection itérative de caractéristiques pour l'estimation de la régression", GT de stats. du LPMA, Paris.

2005/11/27 Talk: "Sélection itérative de variables pour l'estimation de la régression", GT "apprentissage" de l'ENS Ulm, Paris.

2005/10/13 Talk: "Sélection itérative de variables pour l'estimation de la régression", GT de stats., ENSAE, Paris.